Nature and Location
Elenksi Balkan is situated in the middle of Stara Mountain/Old Mountain/ around city of Elena near Veliko Tyrnovo. The place is scenic with mild climate. It is welcoming during all seasons. Its location makes it one of the most favorable places for short stays.
- Iovkovci Dam
- Chumerna Peak (Elevation: 1536 meters)
Stay recommendations
There are options where to stay depending on your preference: - Guest Houses at the vilages - you can search for accomodation in Rauvci/Раювци/, Puhoci/Руховци/, Shilkovci/Шилковци/, Miikovci/Мийковци/, Kostel/Костел/, Marian/Марян/ - these are small vilages with a lot of guest houses. - Kandaferi - its been our favorite for a long time but it became expensive. Visit during spring or late autmn.
Guest houses around Yovkovtsi Reservoir
Chumena Hut - if you are into greater hights then you may stay at Chumerna Hut
Hotels in the City
Eleni Palace - it is a good hotel at the city center.
Palici Dam - you can stay and fish there
- Palici Dam - go fishing there and in case it doesn’t click the bait - you can fish with your wallet as usual.
- Hristovski Waterfall - A must see! Take the road to Ruhovci and take the road to Ilakov Ryt. There are signs there. When you see an improvised parking lot around the road stop there and continiue on foot. The trails is short 20 minutes walk, slight slope.
- Museums in Elena -
- Horse Riding - various offerings best ask your host.
- Hiking - You can hike to chumerna 4 hours. There are small trails between the vilages. There is a trail from Miikovci to an abandoned village which the nature took back. It is a bit scary to see the power of nature in such way but its worth it.
- If you are into HAM radio - there is a R3 repeater on peak of Chumerna
How to get there?
When traveling by car avoid secondary and tertiary roads. In the mountain regions the roads are mostly in very bad condition - that counts for the whole Bulgaria. Get first to the city Elena then continue to your final destination.
When you are at the city you can visit its supermarket Tzariza Elena and the market right next to it for fresh food. Checkout the milk products
How long you should stay?
- Standing on a terace looking at the mountain, how long can you do this?
- If you are out for a calmnes stay longer.
- If you want dynamic vacation stay 3-4 days.
Food and Drinks
- Mandra Elena - quality milk products don’t forget to take some for home. There is a shop ,on the road to Veliko Turnovo - right next to a gas station, where you can buy in bulk.
- Pizzaria Elena
- Pastry shop across the square from the supermarket - don’t be deceived by its looks - it’s delicious!
What we wish we knew before getting there?
You can go there quite unprepared - you need only a reliable vehicle. There are well stocked stores where you can find everything you might need.